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Tattoo removal business booming as inked teens grow up
August 19, 2014

Tattoo removal business booming as inked teens grow up


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Cavs fan gets tattoo of Love and LeBron
August 04, 2014

Kevin Love and LeBron James could be sharing the same...


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Justin Bieber Gets Fresh Ink
Over the weekend, the "All That Matters" singer posted two photos of his first tattoos of the New Year, which brings his tattoo count up to 22.
January 13, 2014 - By MTV - Views: 3,973,373
Olympic hopeful explains the meaning behind enormous back tattoo
Some people start small when they get their first tattoo. Not U.S. pairs skater John Coughlin.
January 10, 2014 - By USA Today - Views: 3,976,655
Tattoos After Dark': Never Let Your Buddy Pick Your Tattoo
Oxygen's new show, "Tattoos After Dark," isn't about a wacky tattoo parlor, and it's not about people trying to fix tattoo mistakes -- though it may come to that later.
January 03, 2014 - By Huffington Post - Views: 3,987,598
Trenton tattoo artist gains popularity as he competes on 'Best Ink' reality show
Joey Matisa is an artist who specializes in different strokes for different folks.
December 30, 2013 - By NJ.com - Views: 3,987,488
Health officials warn against tattoo parties
Health officials in central Florida are warning against participating in tattoo parties.
December 22, 2013 - By Miami Herald - Views: 3,995,523
Brian's death on Family Guy
Brian's death on "Family Guy" may only have been temporary, but this memorial tattoo is forever.
December 19, 2013 - By Huffington Post - Views: 3,998,898
Painted ladies: why women get tattoos
The first tattoo I ever saw belonged to my grandad. He had it done in Scotland during his national service in the 50s, so the tattoo must have been more than 30 years old when I became fascinated by it.
December 15, 2013 - By The Guardian - Views: 4,003,398
Tattoo artist inks Nelson Mandela likeness for free ‘as tribute to a great man’
A tattooist inked a likeness of Nelson Mandela on a customer for free as his own way of paying tribute to ‘a great man’.
December 11, 2013 - By Metro - Views: 4,006,194
Tattoos and temples
Our passage up the swollen coffee-coloured waterway has sputtered to a halt.
December 08, 2013 - By Burma Traavel - Views: 4,009,288
Tattoo Of Ex's Name Doesn't Look Like This Anymore
In the heat of the moment, it's easy to see how tattooing the name of your significant other might seem like a good idea. What better way to commemorate your undying love for each other than by way of an ink tribute?
December 02, 2013 - By Huffington Post - Views: 4,015,581
Mother's horrific allergic reaction to heart tattoo left her with growth so big she couldn't wear boots
A mother has been permanently scarred by a love heart tattoo she got in honor of her daughter.
November 25, 2013 - By UK Mail - Views: 4,023,871
RNC Chair once again offers to tattoo 'ObamaCare' on Democrats' foreheads
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has once again offered to tattoo ObamaCare on the foreheads of Democrats up for re-election in 2014.
November 21, 2013 - By Fox News - Views: 4,026,705
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