SlingerVille Articles
Finding a Tattoo Parlor
Article by: SlingerVille Staff
August 09, 2012

Finding a Tattoo Parlor

When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to just stroll into any tattoo parlor and get a life long piece of art tattooed on your body without doing some homework.  You need to research where you are getting tattooed and see if the person tattooing you is a good artist.

The law allows anyone to buy a tattoo machine, get their license and to start tattooing, regardless if they have the capability of drawing or not.  So before you make your final decision, here are some basic steps for choosing a safe tattoo parlor according to

Look around to see if the studio is clean and professional.

Ask questions: Is there an autoclave? Are the needles and other materials single-use? Are EPA-approved disinfectants used? Do the tattoo artists wear gloves? Professional artists won't mind the questions.

Watch the artist and pay attention to health and safety precautions.

Watch the artist open all needles before beginning work.

Ask about the staff's professional memberships. These are not required, but artists who participate may have the most current information about trends, innovations and safety issues.

I would also suggest looking up the artist’s artwork, usually they will have a book of their work in the shop or they may have it on their Facebook page, Instagram or even the tattoo parlors site. This way you can see their style and if you like the way they draw.  


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