SlingerVille Articles
Tattoo Shop Owner Raises Money For Stepdaughter With Cancer By Tattooing for Donations
Article by: SlingerVille Staff
July 31, 2012

Tattoo Shop Owner Raises Money For Stepdaughter With Cancer By Tattooing for Donations

Last Sunday in Greensburg, Pa., Unique Ink Tattoo opened their doors on their day off for a special cause.  The shop owner, Nick Christofano, and his staff worked a ten-hour day tattooing about 50 customers for donations to raise money for medical bills for his 15-year-old stepdaughter, Shelby Sisco, who has cancer.

The artists managed to raise $5,000, according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

Shelby had spent weeks in the hospital when she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in February.  Today, she is thankfully in remission. 

The real purpose of the tattoo event, however, was not to raise money. "Our driving force was Shelby," Nick told The Huffington Post. "It's was all about her, no other reason. She needed to see all the people behind her in her fight."

Shelby and Nick’s friends and family came to show their support for Shelby and to get some new ink.  Her mother, Joei, tattooed a ribbon with her daughters name on it on her arm.

Nick told HuffPost that the most exciting part for Shelby was seeing herself on the news following the event. "The smile on her face when she watched the news made it worth it," he said.

This tattooing fundraiser is far from over, five other shops around the country that are owned by friends and family will be hosting a similar fundraiser for Shelby this month.  Nick’s shop also plans on making this fundraiser an annual event.  Next year it will be for the benefit of other families of children who have leukemia, or for cancer research at the Children’s hospital of Pittsburgh. 


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